1. Chroma Meter
      2. model no. : CR-400 / 410

      3. Desc. :


      5. Application :

      6. To measure color difference of plastic, paint, printing, textile, metal, food, etc.

      7. Feature :

      8. To measure color of any opaque material, wide range, accurate, measuring probe may be separated from data processor, data printed by thermal paper or output to PC, data compatible with old model CR-300 / 310  

  • Model: Measuring probe CR-400; CR-410; data processor DP-400
    Sensor: Silicone photo cells (6)
    Measuring range: Y : 0.01 ~ 160.00% (reflectance)
    Light source: Pulsed xenon lamp
    Measuring area: Ø8 mm; Ø50 mm
    Within ΔE*ab 0.07 (based on white calibration plate
    is measured 30 times at 10s intervals)



    Diffuse illumination; 0° viewing angle; SCI; 
    D65 or C standard illuminant; 2° standard observer



    XYZ, Yxy, CIE Lab, Hunter Lab, CIE Lch, Munsell (C illuminant only), 

    ΔE*ab, CMC (l:c), CIEΔE1994, Lab99, Lch99, CIEΔE2000,

    CIE WI (D65 illuminant only), WI ASTM E313 (C illuminant only), 

    YI ASTM D1925 (C illuminant only), YI ASTM E313 (C illuminant only),

    user defined index

    Data memory:  Target : 100 sets; sample : 1000 sets; sample : 2000 sets
    Digital output:  RS-232C with USB cable
    Power source: 

    4 AAA-size batteries or AC adapter;

    4 AA-size batteries or AC adapter 

    Dimensions: 102 x 217 x 63 mm; 102 x 244 x 63 mm; 100 x 73 x 255 mm 

    About 550 g; about 570 g (with batteries);

    about 600 g (without batteries & thermal paper)